
Although we try our very best to publish books that are free from error, from time to time, mistakes do find their way into our books. Please accept our apologies for this. Here is a list of our titles and known errata. If you think you have found an error that needs correcting, please contact us at

Thank you!

Phoebe's Sweater: no known errata

Freddie's Blanket: no known errata

Phoebe's Birthday: no known errata

Green Gables Knits: no known errata

Henry's Hat: 
page 10 line 8 says "returned to safe" should say "returned safe"
page 20 line 1 says "was" should say "way"

Sherlock Knits: pages 4 and 5 are inversed; work instructions for page 5 first, then page 4.