Phoebe's Spool Quilt Day Four~ Cutting the Spools

A few little handy tools, like a cutting mat, rotary cutter, and clear rectangle measure, made for a pleasant time of cutting pieces for the spool blocks. I needed 35 squares for the center of each spool and 70 spool end caps.

I really enjoy stumbling across a little idea that makes the process easier and more fun. Although I am sure others have been doing this for a while, it occurred to me while cutting the rectangles that I can use my Knit Kit to keep track of how many pieces I have cut. This is especially handy when doing scrap quilting as I was getting anywhere from one to twelve rectangles per piece of fabric, depending on how much I had on hand.

Ah ha! No need to count up the pieces over and over again, just a quick click for each cut piece and I had a running tally that kept me on task.

Spool centers and end caps are all cut. Up next- the backgrounds. My goal is to have the quilt pieced by the end of the week... that would mean I need to start sewing by Tuesday at the latest.


  1. Wow, good for you! I can't wait to see the finished project. And good idea with the knit counter! I should get one of those things...

  2. Thanks, Emily! I am eager to see how everything looks once I start putting it together! I love my row counters... I think I have three or four kinds and I could still use a few more!

  3. Wow that's a great idea. I just had my 5 year old count them in stack of 10. she that it was great. took a bit more time though.

    1. Oh, but it is always so fun to include the kids on projects like this... even though it does take longer!


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